High Protein Shakes & Smoothies

Chocolate Shake

Rich & creamy Ice Cream Shake sweetened with honey & jaggery that has Chocolate Mocha ice cream & garnished with chocolate truffle sauce.

Cookies & Cream Shake

An evocative and romantic union which takes you to a healthful realm known to lift your mood and help maintain lower blood sugur levels.

Banana Smoothie

A perfect Artistic blend of Probiotic Yoghurt Smoothie sweetened with honey & jaggery and melted into the delectation of banana and caramel, a match made in heaven. Banana is a source of potassium while chia seeds are high in fiber and Omega 3, good for the heart, bones, and blood sugar.

Mixed Berry Smoothie

An evocative and romantic union which takes you to a healthful realm known to lift your mood and help maintain lower blood sugur levels.